
发掘超逼真数字绘画的秘密,与Midjourney一起。本教程将教你如何创建一张令人惊叹的特写肖像,特点是戏剧性的阴影和朋克风格的肮脏,灵感来自于El Greco,Brian Bolland和Bridget Riley的作品。学习如何使用 cel shading 和纹身般的夸张来使你的肖像栩栩如生,并看看使用百叶窗可以创造强大的视觉效果。跟随我们的逐步指南,在Midjourney中解锁你的完整创造潜力。


closeup portrait of [person0] smoking cigarette looking out [place0], the [element0] thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic [element0]ing, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of model smoking cigarette looking out the city skyline, the sunlight thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic sunlighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of actor smoking cigarette looking out the beach, the streetlight thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic streetlighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of musician smoking cigarette looking out a park, the moonlight thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic moonlighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of artist smoking cigarette looking out the mountains, the candlelight thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic candlelighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of photographer smoking cigarette looking out a rooftop, the neon light thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic neon lighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of performer smoking cigarette looking out a balcony, the fire light thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic fire lighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

closeup portrait of writer smoking cigarette looking out a deserted alleyway, the flashlight thru blinds creates shadows across her face, in the style of el greco and brian bolland and bridget riley, hyper - realistic portraits, dramatic flashlighting, realistic digital painting, cel shading, grunge punk exaggerated realism, tattoo --c 100 --s 1000 --v 5.1 --style raw --ar 9:16

2023-10-20 16:53:54 AI中文站翻译自原文