使用ChatGPT o1-preview 进行代码生成:一个人工智能合作故事


Figure 1. Image provided by the author. The output of the Python sentiment analysis tool.



在这篇文章的核心是通过Python和C ++代码生成实验得出的关键见解,反映了人类专业知识的整合如何显着提高了AI驱动的任务。



这也是分享几个经验教训的机会。在最近的Substack帖子中,我讨论了如何通过合作的多提示方法为简单的情感分析工具编写有效的Python代码。与其让ChatGPT在一个单一提示中处理所有事情,通常更有效的方法是迭代 - 逐步审查其输出,提供反馈,改进响应 - 反复。您可以在下面的链接中找到更多关于那个实验的详细信息。

对ChatGPT o1-preview代码生成(substack.com)的想法

最近,我用C++进行了类似的实验,请求ChatGPT o1-preview生成一个基于我之前Python实验的见解的情感分析工具。本文提供了这两个实验的轶事式比较和获得的见识。

虽然两个实验都取得了成功,但细节有所不同。Python 代码生成过程无需调试,只需进行最少量的代码清理,尽管我需要指导其算法和 API 的选择。相比之下,C++ 代码生成过程需要更多的参与——不仅要指导代码生成,还要进行调试和清理代码。

这种差异并不令人意外——有大量的Python代码可用于大型语言模型的训练。与机器学习任务相关的Python代码也受益于大量开源模块的可用性。例如,ChatGPT常常喜欢使用NLTK进行文本标记化,并熟练掌握LangChain用于OpenAI API集成。

ChatGPT生成的C++版本不依赖外部分词器;相反,它实现了自己的分词器。然而,ChatGPT使用外部的C++集成包来与OpenAI API 进行交互。最终,我引导ChatGPT朝着一个更适合我的评估的解决方案发展。我让它调整应用程序架构,以最小化我需要集成的外部C++包数量。



Python 实验



  • ‘戏剧性’: “我感觉戏剧性,兴奋并充满肾上腺素冲动。”
  • ‘积极’: “我今天感觉非常开心和快乐!”
  • ‘中立’:“天气很一般,没有什么特别的事情发生。”
  • ‘负面’:“我今天感觉很沮丧和压抑。”

情感或情绪是使用ChatGPT o1-preview生成的Python脚本计算的(附录A)。 我不需要对代码进行调试。 然而,在整个代码生成过程中,ChatGPT和我在算法和设计方面进行了广泛的迭代(附录B)。


在Python实验中,计算这些情感或心情的工具是由ChatGPT (o1-preview) 生成的一个Python脚本,如附录A所示。虽然我没有需要调试代码,但是ChatGPT和我通过附录B中的提示不断迭代以完善算法和代码设计。

C++ 实验


  • REST - 维基百科(表现状态转移)
  • Figure 2. Image provided by the author. The output of the C++ sentiment analysis tool.

我最初让ChatGPT使用一个提示生成C ++代码,该提示汇总了我们在创建Python工具时早期交流中得出的许多结论。 提示中包含的许多元素都在附录B中有记录。


Propose a sentiment analysis C++ program based on using OpenAI embeddings and a sliding text window applied over text documents.

For example, it may want to obtain the embeddings for the documents in the following manner:

embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
texts = [doc.page_content for doc in documents]
embeddings = embeddings_model.embed_documents(texts)

You should use the distance between the embeddings of the input text and predefined embeddings that represent key sentiments (e.g., positive, neutral, and negative). This approach leverages semantic similarity to classify sentiment based on how close the input text's embedding is to these predefined "sentiment anchor" embeddings.

The building block algorithm steps are, per document:

Tokenize text in the document.
Create sliding windows.
Generate embeddings for each window using LLM.
Classify sentiment for each window.
Optional smoothing of sentiments across windows.
Visualize the sentiments as a graph representing the entire document.

Design Guidelines:

The program should be written in C++.
The program should call a REST Python service that uses Python modules to implement the tokenizer and to obtain the OpenAI embedding model.


Do not use libcurl.
Do not use Boost and Boost.Asio

请注意,附录B中的提示不包括最后两节“设计指南”和“约束条件”。这些是新添加的。我特意要求ChatGPT使用Python服务通过HTTP / REST连接到C ++客户端来集成OpenAI API,而不是尝试直接从C ++客户端与libcurl或Boost进行集成。

在以前的实验中,ChatGPT经常使用libcurl或Boost.Asio生成C++代码进行HTTP(S)请求,除非有明确指示要求。设置libcurl或Boost比使用Python功能和模块更复杂。例如,libcurl要求其库专门为Windows构建。为了简化这个实验,我选择让C++客户端通过Python服务依赖于OpenAI API。

  • cURL/ libcurl — 维基百科
  • 增强(C++库)- 维基百科

图3描述了ChatGPT生成的架构,用于实现C++情感分析工具。情感分析程序(客户端)通过HTTP/REST与Python服务进行通信,使用大型语言模型嵌入。Python RESTful服务通过Python网络资源与OpenAI进行通信,以获取模型嵌入。C++客户端将其结果输出到CSV文件中。ChatGPT生成了一个Python脚本,以图形格式显示这些结果。ChatGPT提供了生成使用Qt的C++可视化的选项(如果我按下),但是为了保持这个实验简单,我选择了Python脚本。

Figure 3. Image provided by the author. The C++ sentiment tool application architecture. It relies on a Python service (REST-styled) for embeddings.

C++客户端是使用Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022版本17.11.5构建和执行的。Python服务是在PyCharm 2024.1(社区版)的虚拟环境中本地运行的。

  • Visual Studio — 维基百科
  • PyCharm — 维基百科
  • Figure 4. Image provided by the author. To execute the C++ sentiment analysis tool, both the back-end Python service and the C++ client need to be run. Visual Studio and PyCharm IDEs were used.


  • 与不同版本的C ++存在代码不兼容性。本实验中的代码使用ISO C++20标准进行编译。
  • 由于模板实现和版本之间的差异、我尝试过的特定外部模块的相互影响、我使用的生成代码,以及所使用的C++编译器版本,导致了不兼容性。

在一个轻松的话题上,ChatGPT o1-preview可能是有共鸣的。请注意下面一段来自其回应的内容!





同样,在C ++示例中,迭代对于解决代码错误和集成问题至关重要。这些发现表明,与模型进行持续交互,而不是从一开始就期望得到完整的解决方案,会导致实用且功能代码。

另一个重要的观点是,你事先了解的或者沿途摸索出的知识 — 无论是从经验还是其他来源获取 — 越多,你就越能加快优化提示来引导一个大型语言模型迈向一个好的解决方案。在 Python 情感分析工具的例子中,我对涉及的算法和 API 的熟悉度让我能够帮助 ChatGPT 迅速收敛到一个干净且有效的实现。

在C ++版本中,我可以操纵ChatGPT远离我发现耗时的外部模块,并提出另一种更合适的应用架构。ChatGPT利用我的指导,最终提供了一个Python REST服务,以弥合C++复杂性和Python API集成的便捷性之间的差距。这是人工智能与人类之间协同作用的实际例证。通过引导人工智能走向更高效的架构,避免了不必要的复杂性,从而导致了一种更简单但令人满意的解决方案。





import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import nltk

# Import necessary classes from langchain
from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import NLTKTextSplitter

# Download NLTK data files (only need to run once)

# Set up OpenAI API key
openai_api_key = ""

# Specify the paths to your text files
file_paths = [

# Define the function to read and split the text files
def do_read_text_files(file_paths):
documents = []
for file_path in file_paths:
loader = TextLoader(file_path, encoding='utf-8')
raw_documents = loader.load()
for document in raw_documents:
content = document.page_content
metadata = document.metadata
print(f'File: {file_path}, length of page_content={len(content)}')

text_splitter = NLTKTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
text_content = " ".join([doc.page_content for doc in raw_documents])
text_sections = text_splitter.split_text(text_content)
print(f'File: {file_path}, number of text sections chunked={len(text_sections)}')

'file_path': file_path,
'text_sections': text_sections
return documents

# Define the function to generate embeddings
def generate_embeddings(texts, openai_api_key):
embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
embeddings = embeddings_model.embed_documents(texts)
return embeddings

# Read and split the text files into sections
documents = do_read_text_files(file_paths)

# Define the extended sentiment anchor texts and get their embeddings
sentiment_texts = {
'dramatic': "I am feeling dramatic, excited and on an adrenaline rush.",
# 'non-dramatic': "I am feeling bored, lack-luster, without energy.",
# 'cormac': "In the style of Cormac McCarthy.",
# 'margaret': "In the style of Margaret Atwood.",
# 'king': "In the style of Stephen King.",
'positive': "I am feeling very happy and joyful today!",
# 'neutral': "The weather is average, and nothing special is happening.",
'negative': "I am feeling very sad and depressed today."

# Generate embeddings for sentiment anchors
sentiment_embeddings = {}
for sentiment, text in sentiment_texts.items():
embedding = generate_embeddings([text], openai_api_key)[0]
sentiment_embeddings[sentiment] = embedding

# Process each document individually
for doc in documents:
file_path = doc['file_path']
text_sections = doc['text_sections']

# Generate embeddings for each text section
window_embeddings = generate_embeddings(text_sections, openai_api_key)

# Compute similarities for each sentiment for each text section
similarity_scores = {sentiment: [] for sentiment in sentiment_embeddings.keys()}

for embedding in window_embeddings:
for sentiment, sentiment_embedding in sentiment_embeddings.items():
similarity = cosine_similarity([embedding], [sentiment_embedding])[0][0]

# Visualize the similarities as a graph representing the entire document
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
for sentiment, scores in similarity_scores.items():
plt.plot(scores, marker='o', linestyle='-', label=sentiment)
plt.title(f'Sentiment Similarity Over Document: {os.path.basename(file_path)}')
plt.xlabel('Text Section Index')
plt.ylabel('Cosine Similarity Score')


这个附录列出了我用来指导ChatGPT o1-preview生成情感分析工具的提示。它突出了高层次概念提示和关于代码、API和算法的具体反馈的结合。

Propose a sentiment analysis algorithm based on LLM embeddings and sliding text windows.


Propose a simple sentiment classification layer implementation.


Instead of labeled sentiment data and a feed-forward classification layer, can you compute the distance of the embedding from embeddings for key sentiments?

Propose a sentiment analysis Python program based on using OpenAI embeddings and a sliding text window applied over text documents.

For example, it may want to obtain the embeddings for the documents in the following manner:

embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
texts = [doc.page_content for doc in documents]
embeddings = embeddings_model.embed_documents(texts)

You should use the distance between the embeddings of the input text and predefined embeddings that represent key sentiments (e.g., positive, neutral, and negative). This approach leverages semantic similarity to classify sentiment based on how close the input text's embedding is to these predefined "sentiment anchor" embeddings.

The building block algorithm steps are, per document:

Tokenize text in the document.
Create sliding windows.
Generate embeddings for each window using LLM.
Classify sentiment for each window.
Optional smoothing of sentiments across windows.
Visualize the sentiments as a graph representing the entire document.


Can you update the code to use the openai 1.0.0 api, example below. def generate_embeddings(documents, openai_api_key):
embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
texts = [doc.page_content for doc in documents]
embeddings = embeddings_model.embed_documents(texts)

for i, document in enumerate(documents):
document.metadata['embedding'] = embeddings[i]

return documents


Can you rework the code so it uses this text reader? def do_read_text_file(file_path):
loader = TextLoader(file_path, encoding='utf-8')
raw_documents = loader.load()
for document in raw_documents:
content = document.page_content
metadata = document.metadata
print(f'length of page_content={len(content)}')

text_splitter = NLTKTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=100)
text_content = " ".join([doc.page_content for doc in raw_documents])
text_sections = text_splitter.split_text(text_content)
print(f'number of text sections chunked={len(text_sections)}')
return text_sections


can you update this code to read and plot output for multiple documents (multiple file paths).


If I want to extend the sentiments to include more than the three currently in place include some that are overlapping, how might you display it? Consider this example list. sentiment_texts = {
'dramatic' : "I am feeling dramatic, excited and on an adrenaline rush.",
'non-dramatic' : "I am feeling bored, lack-luster, without energy.",
'cormac' : "In the style of Cormac McCarthy",
'margaret' : "In the style of Margaret Atwood",
'king' : "In the style of Stephen King",
'positive': "I am feeling very happy and joyful today!",
'neutral': "The weather is average, and nothing special is happening.",
'negative': "I am feeling very sad and depressed today."

附录 C


// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <httplib.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>

using json = nlohmann::json;

// Function to read the entire text file into a string
std::string read_text_file(const std::string& filename) {
std::ifstream infile(filename);
if (!infile.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open the file: " + filename);
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << infile.rdbuf();
return buffer.str();

// Function to split text into words (simple tokenizer)
std::vector<std::string> tokenize_text(const std::string& text) {
std::istringstream stream(text);
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::string word;
while (stream >> word) {
return tokens;

// Function to create sliding windows from tokens
std::vector<std::string> create_sliding_windows(const std::vector<std::string>& tokens, size_t window_size, size_t overlap) {
std::vector<std::string> windows;
size_t step = window_size - overlap;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i += step) {
size_t end = std::min(i + window_size, tokens.size());
std::string window_text = "";
for (size_t j = i; j < end; ++j) {
window_text += tokens[j] + " ";
if (end == tokens.size()) break;
return windows;

// Function to get embedding from RESTful service
std::vector<float> get_embedding(const std::string& text) {
httplib::Client cli("localhost", 8000); // Adjust host and port if needed
json request_json = { {"text", text} };
auto res = cli.Post("/embed", request_json.dump(), "application/json");

if (res && res->status == 200) {
json response_json = json::parse(res->body);
return response_json["embedding"].get<std::vector<float>>();
else {
// Handle error
std::cerr << "HTTP Status: " << res->status << "\n";
std::cerr << "Response Body: " << res->body << "\n";
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get embedding from REST service");

// Function to compute cosine similarity
float cosine_similarity(const std::vector<float>& A, const std::vector<float>& B) {
float dot_product = 0.0f;
float norm_a = 0.0f;
float norm_b = 0.0f;

for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i) {
dot_product += A[i] * B[i];
norm_a += A[i] * A[i];
norm_b += B[i] * B[i];

return dot_product / (std::sqrt(norm_a) * std::sqrt(norm_b) + 1e-8); // Add small value to prevent division by zero

// Function to assign sentiment based on similarity scores
std::string assign_sentiment(const std::vector<float>& embedding,
const std::vector<float>& positive_anchor,
const std::vector<float>& neutral_anchor,
const std::vector<float>& negative_anchor) {
float sim_positive = cosine_similarity(embedding, positive_anchor);
float sim_neutral = cosine_similarity(embedding, neutral_anchor);
float sim_negative = cosine_similarity(embedding, negative_anchor);

if (sim_positive >= sim_neutral && sim_positive >= sim_negative) {
return "Positive";
else if (sim_negative >= sim_positive && sim_negative >= sim_neutral) {
return "Negative";
else {
return "Neutral";

int sentiment_main() {
try {
// Step 1: Read the document
std::string filename = "C:/Users/natha/source/repos/data/Wee-kh-sah_38.txt"; // Replace with your filename
std::string text = read_text_file(filename);

// Step 2: Tokenize text
auto tokens = tokenize_text(text);

// Step 3: Create sliding windows
size_t window_size = 200; // Adjust window size
size_t overlap = 50; // Adjust overlap size
auto windows = create_sliding_windows(tokens, window_size, overlap);

// Step 4: Get embeddings for sentiment anchors
std::vector<float> positive_anchor = get_embedding("I am happy");
std::vector<float> neutral_anchor = get_embedding("It is a day");
std::vector<float> negative_anchor = get_embedding("I am sad");

// Mutex for thread-safe access to shared data
std::mutex mtx;

// Vectors to store results
std::vector<std::string> sentiments(windows.size());
std::vector<float> positions(windows.size());

// Step 5: Process each window (with multithreading)
std::vector<std::thread> threads;

for (size_t idx = 0; idx < windows.size(); ++idx) {
threads.emplace_back([&, idx]() {
// Get embedding for the window
auto embedding = get_embedding(windows[idx]);

// Assign sentiment
auto sentiment = assign_sentiment(embedding, positive_anchor, neutral_anchor, negative_anchor);

// Store results
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
sentiments[idx] = sentiment;
positions[idx] = static_cast<float>(idx);

// Wait for all threads to complete
for (auto& t : threads) {

// Optional Smoothing (Simple Moving Average)
// Uncomment to enable smoothing
for (size_t i = 1; i < sentiments.size() - 1; ++i) {
if (sentiments[i - 1] == sentiments[i + 1]) {
sentiments[i] = sentiments[i - 1];

// Step 6: Output results to CSV for visualization
std::ofstream outfile("sentiment_results.csv");
outfile << "Position,Sentiment\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < sentiments.size(); ++i) {
outfile << positions[i] << "," << sentiments[i] << "\n";

std::cout << "Sentiment analysis completed. Results saved to 'sentiment_results.csv'.\n";

catch (const std::exception& ex) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << "\n";
return 0;




# app.py
# uvicorn sentiment_server:app --host --port 8000

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from pydantic import BaseModel
from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
import os

app = FastAPI()

# Set your OpenAI API key
openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
# Alternatively, you can set the API key directly
openai_api_key = "api-key"

# Initialize the embeddings model with specified model
embeddings_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(model="text-embedding-ada-002", openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error initializing OpenAIEmbeddings: {e}")

class TextData(BaseModel):
text: str

async def embed_text(data: TextData):
# Use embed_query for a single text input
embedding = embeddings_model.embed_query(data.text)
return {"embedding": embedding}
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception occurred during embedding: {e}")
raise HTTPEx

附录 E


# visualize.py

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('sentiment_results.csv')

# Map sentiments to numeric values for plotting
sentiment_map = {'Positive': 1, 'Neutral': 0, 'Negative': -1}
df['SentimentScore'] = df['Sentiment'].map(sentiment_map)

# Plot the sentiment scores
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(df['Position'], df['SentimentScore'], marker='o')
plt.title('Sentiment Analysis Over Document')
plt.xlabel('Window Position')
plt.ylabel('Sentiment Score')
plt.yticks([-1, 0, 1], ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive'])

2024-10-14 04:17:23 AI中文站翻译自原文