
A cute robot codes his little software project. Image by Midjourney.
A cute robot codes his little software project. Image by Midjourney.



  • 部分1:打下基础 - 项目规划,设计和建筑
  • 部分2:与AI一起构建 —— 代码生成、数据库设计和文档
  • 第三部分:打磨和维护 - 测试、优化和版本控制


部分2:与人工智能一起构建 — 代码生成,数据库设计和文档






I need to implement [specific functionality] in [programming language].
Key requirements:
1. [Requirement 1]
2. [Requirement 2]
3. [Requirement 3]
Please consider:
- Error handling
- Edge cases
- Performance optimization
- Best practices for [language/framework]
Please do not unnecessarily remove any comments or code.
Generate the code with clear comments explaining the logic.





  1. 阅读整个代码片段:对结构和方法有一个整体的了解。
  2. 检查逻辑错误:人工智能可能会误解某项要求或做出错误的假设。
  3. 寻找最佳实践:确保代码遵循您所使用语言和项目的约定。
  4. 验证错误处理:确保边缘情况和潜在错误得到适当处理。
  5. 了解每一行:如果有什么你不明白的地方,可以问AI解释一下。


Can you explain the following part of the code in detail:
[paste code section]
1. What is the purpose of this section?
2. How does it work step-by-step?
3. Are there any potential issues or limitations with this approach?




Please review the following code:
[paste your code]
1. Code quality and adherence to best practices
2. Potential bugs or edge cases
3. Performance optimizations
4. Readability and maintainability
5. Any security concerns
Suggest improvements and explain your reasoning for each suggestion.




  • 实现特定算法:
Implement a [name of algorithm] in [programming language]. 
Please include:
1. The main function with clear parameter and return types
2. Helper functions if necessary
3. Time and space complexity analysis
4. Example usage
  • 创建一个类或模块:
  • Create a [class/module] for [specific functionality] in [programming language].
    1. Constructor/initialization
    2. Main methods with clear docstrings
    3. Any necessary private helper methods
    4. Proper encapsulation and adherence to OOP principles
  • 为了优化现有的代码:
  • Here's a piece of code that needs optimization:
    [paste code]
    Please suggest optimizations to improve its performance. For each suggestion, explain the expected improvement and any trade-offs.
  • 用于编写单元测试:
  • Generate unit tests for the following function:
    [paste function]
    Include tests for:
    1. Normal expected inputs
    2. Edge cases
    3. Invalid inputs
    Use [preferred testing framework] syntax.



    1. 从明确的规范开始:尽可能清楚地定义你想要构建的内容。
    2. 生成初始代码:使用详细的提示让人工智能生成第一稿。
    3. 审查并理解:仔细阅读代码,确保理解每个部分。
    4. 迭代和完善:向AI询问解释、优化和替代方案。
    5. 测试和调试:使用人工智能来帮助生成单元测试并调试任何问题。
    6. 优化和重构:代码运行后,使用人工智能建议优化和重构。
    7. 使用人工智能来帮助生成代码清晰的文档。



    1. 忽视大局:有时,在与人工智能来回交流时,很容易忽视整体架构和设计。时刻牢记你更广泛的目标。
    2. 接受对简单问题的复杂解决方案:人工智能有时可能会建议过于复杂的解决方案。除非真正需要复杂性,否则始终追求简单。
    3. 忽视学习基本概念:只使用由人工智能生成的代码而不充分理解它很诱人。抵制这种冲动!始终花时间学习和理解。
    4. 忽略性能影响:人工智能不一定始终能生成性能最佳的代码。请始终考虑性能影响,特别是对于系统中关键部分。





    I'm designing a database for [describe your application]. The main entities are:
    [List main entities]

    Key requirements:
    1. [Requirement 1, e.g., "Must support fast retrieval of user posts"]
    2. [Requirement 2, e.g., "Need to track user relationships (followers/following)"]
    3. [Requirement 3, e.g., "Must handle large volumes of time-series data for analytics"]

    Please suggest a database schema that includes:
    1. Tables and their columns (with appropriate data types)
    2. Primary and foreign key relationships
    3. Any necessary junction tables for many-to-many relationships
    4. Suggested indexes for performance
    5. Considerations for scalability

    Also, please explain the rationale behind your design choices.




    Given this initial schema:
    [Paste your schema here]

    Please analyze it considering the following:
    1. Normalization: Is the schema properly normalized? If not, suggest improvements.
    2. Denormalization: Are there any cases where denormalization might improve performance?
    3. Indexing strategy: Suggest additional indexes that might improve query performance.
    4. Scalability: How will this schema handle growth? Any potential bottlenecks?
    5. Data integrity: Are there any constraints or triggers we should consider to ensure data consistency?
    For each suggestion, please explain the pros and cons.



    I need to optimize the following SQL query:
    [Paste your query here]

    The query is currently taking too long to execute on large datasets. Please:
    1. Analyze the query and identify potential performance issues.
    2. Suggest optimizations, which may include:
    - Rewriting the query
    - Adding or modifying indexes
    - Suggestions for schema changes if necessary
    3. Explain the reasoning behind each optimization.
    4. If possible, provide an estimate of the performance improvement we might expect.
    Additional context:
    - Database system: [e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL]
    - Approximate table sizes: [e.g., Users table has 1 million rows]
    - Any relevant hardware constraints




    • 针对索引优化:
    Given the following table structure and common queries:
    [Paste table structure and sample queries]

    Please suggest an optimal indexing strategy. Consider:
    1. Which columns should be indexed?
    2. Should we use single-column or multi-column indexes?
    3. Are there any cases where a covering index would be beneficial?
    4. How might these indexes affect write performance?
  • 数据迁移规划:
  • I need to migrate data from an old schema to a new one:
    Old schema:
    [Paste old schema]

    New schema:
    [Paste new schema]

    Please help me create a migration plan:
    1. Identify the steps needed to transform the data
    2. Suggest any intermediate tables or views that might be helpful
    3. Consider data integrity and how to handle potential conflicts
    4. Propose a strategy to verify the migration's success
  • 用于查询性能故障排除:
  • The following query is performing poorly:
    [Paste problematic query]

    Execution plan:
    [Paste execution plan if available]

    Please analyze this query and suggest improvements:
    1. Identify any sub-optimal parts of the query or execution plan
    2. Suggest alternative ways to write the query
    3. Are there any missing indexes that could help?
    4. Would denormalizing any part of the schema improve performance for this query?



    I'm looking to improve the overall performance of my database. Here's an overview:
    - Database system: [e.g., PostgreSQL 13]
    - Current size: [e.g., 500GB]
    - Main tables and their sizes: [List main tables]
    - Common query patterns: [Describe typical queries]
    - Current pain points: [e.g., slow joins on large tables, poor write performance during peak hours]

    Please provide a comprehensive performance tuning plan, including:
    1. Configuration parameters that might need adjustment
    2. Indexing strategy review
    3. Query optimization techniques
    4. Potential schema optimizations
    5. Caching strategies
    6. Any other relevant suggestions for improving performance
    For each suggestion, please explain the expected impact and any potential trade-offs.




    1. 业务逻辑理解:人工智能可以提出最佳结构,但您需要确保它们符合您特定的业务需求和未来的可扩展性要求。
    2. 敏感数据:请注意您特定情境中人工智能可能不了解的数据隐私和安全问题。
    3. 在真实环境中测试:始终要在与生产环境相似的条件下彻底测试人工智能建议的优化。
    4. 持续学习:将人工智能作为学习工具使用。不仅要实施其建议,还要努力理解其背后的原则。
    5. 定期审查:随着您的应用程序的发展,数据库需求可能会发生变化。定期使用人工智能辅助审查数据库设计和性能。





    I need to create documentation for [project/component name]. Please generate:

    1. An overview of the [project/component]
    2. Installation instructions
    3. Configuration options
    4. API reference (if applicable)
    5. Usage examples
    6. Troubleshooting guide
    7. FAQ section

    For each section, consider:
    - The target audience (e.g., developers, end-users)
    - Any prerequisites or dependencies
    - Common pitfalls or misconceptions
    - Best practices

    Please use clear, concise language and include relevant code snippets where appropriate.




    1. 审核准确性:仔细查看文档,确保所有信息与您的实际代码和预期功能相一致。
    2. 检查清晰度:确保解释清晰易懂,符合目标受众的理解。
    3. 验证代码片段:测试任何包含的代码示例,确保它们按预期工作。
    4. 添加特定项目细节:融入您项目的任何独特方面,人工智能可能不知道的。
    5. 增强可视化效果:考虑在哪里可以使用图表、流程图或屏幕截图来提高理解。


    Please review and improve the following documentation section:
    [Paste section here]

    1. Clarity of explanation
    2. Completeness of information
    3. Appropriate level of detail for the target audience
    4. Consistency with best practices in technical writing
    Suggest improvements and explain your reasoning.



    • API文档:
    Generate API documentation for the following endpoint:
    [Paste endpoint details]
    1. Endpoint URL and method
    2. Request parameters and their types
    3. Request body format (if applicable)
    4. Response format and possible status codes
    5. Example request and response
    6. Any authentication requirements
    7. Rate limiting information (if applicable)
  • 对于README文件:
  • Create a README.md file for my GitHub repository. The project is [brief description]. Include:
    1. Project title and description
    2. Installation instructions
    3. Usage examples
    4. Contributing guidelines
    5. License information
    6. Badges (e.g., build status, version, etc.)
    Use proper Markdown formatting and consider adding a table of contents for easier navigation.
  • 用户指南:
  • Generate a user guide for [product/feature name]. The target audience is [describe audience]. Include:
    1. Introduction and purpose of the product/feature
    2. Getting started guide
    3. Main features and how to use them
    4. Advanced usage tips
    5. Troubleshooting common issues
    Use simple language and consider including step-by-step instructions with hypothetical screenshots placeholders.
  • 对于代码注释和文档字符串:
  • Generate appropriate comments and docstrings for the following code:
    [Paste code here]
    Follow [language-specific] conventions for docstrings. Include:
    1. Brief description of the function/class
    2. Parameters and their types
    3. Return value and type
    4. Any exceptions that might be raised
    5. Usage examples if the function/class usage is not immediately obvious


    在文档中使用人工智能的最酷方法之一是用于维护“活体文档” - 随着项目发展而变化的文档。这是我处理这个问题的方法:

    • 版本化您的文档:将您的文档与代码一起放置在版本控制中。
    • 更新文档并记录代码更改:当您进行重要的代码更改时,请使用此提示:
    I've made the following changes to my code:
    [Summarize changes]
    Please update the relevant sections of the documentation to reflect these changes.
    Highlight any breaking changes or new features that users should be aware of.
  • 定期审查:根据您的项目进度,每隔几周或几个月使用此提示:
  • Please review the following documentation:
    [Paste current docs]
    Considering the latest best practices and common user pain points in similar projects:
    1. Suggest any sections that should be added or expanded
    2. Identify any parts that might be outdated or no longer relevant
    3. Recommend improvements for clarity and user-friendliness




    如何呢? 嘛,当我向AI(以及我的未来用户)解释概念时,有时我会意识到我的代码中的某些部分并不像我想象的那样直观或良好结构。 这促使我重构和改进代码本身。




    1. 项目特定知识:人工智能无法了解您项目背后独特的情境或决策。确保将这些个人知识融入您的文件中。
    2. 用户共鸣:虽然人工智能可以编写清晰的指导,但您最了解您的用户。始终从用户的角度审查文档。
    3. 品牌和声音:如果您的项目或公司拥有特定的语气或风格指南,您将需要相应调整人工智能生成的内容。
    4. 敏感信息:请注意,在与AI的提示中不要包含任何敏感或专有信息。




    2024-08-31 04:20:50 AI中文站翻译自原文