Sure, here's the HTML structure with the text translated to simplified Chinese: ```html


``` In simplified Chinese, the translation of "How can AI improve the efficiency of loan processing in banks" is "人工智能如何提高银行贷款处理的效率?".
Photo by Joe Stubbs on Unsplash

Sure, here is the text "What’s wrong with banking?" translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html





``` This HTML structure contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, preserving the original paragraph structure.

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html

这座刻意积累起来的技术债务之山,将面临着改变的压力,而这一次不是通过程序化代码和数据库技术的重构…… 新一波更加复杂的框架即将出现,其中夹杂着人工智能代理和其他自主集成及即时分析手段,这些在现代组织中是必不可少的。

``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, structured as a paragraph (`

` tag).

Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html AI功能即将应用到您的系统中。 ``` In this translation: - `` tags are used to apply styling or structure. - "AI功能即将应用到您的系统中。" is the translated text, meaning "AI features are coming for your systems."





我们要做的是创建多模态接口到银行,无论是通过视频、语音对话还是表单填写…… 如果银行永远记住您和您的联系人,那不是很好吗?如果您的银行能根据经济变化或您的家庭情况即时预测您的需求,那会很棒,这样您可以更好地与银行合作。而当银行推出新产品时,如果他们不因为能够而对您征收额外费用,那不是很好吗?如果监管机构只需观察银行在法规框架内运作,并在必要时自动发现或调整他们违规的行为,那不是很好吗?这些都源自于应用现代AI的方式,但这种方式是新颖的,涉及数百种变化,而不仅仅是推出一个新的语法检查器或聊天机器人。

``` This HTML structure contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the original paragraph structure.

Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the text translated into simplified Chinese: ```html

Translated Text



``` This structure includes the translated text within `

` tags and ensures proper display of the simplified Chinese characters on a web page.

Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


``` In simplified Chinese: ```html





``` This HTML snippet retains the structure while providing the translation of the English text into simplified Chinese.

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, formatted with HTML structure: ```html


``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure while displaying the translated text in simplified Chinese.
Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

Certainly! Here's how you could write that in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html


``` This HTML structure maintains the paragraph tag `

` while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese characters.

To translate the English text to simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following code snippet: ```html


``` This HTML structure contains a paragraph (`

`) tag that encapsulates the translated text. The Chinese text has been provided inline within the `

` tag.

Certainly! Here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

2. 提高准确性:AI模型可以分析大量结构化和非结构化数据,从而更全面、准确地评估借款人的风险档案和信用价值。这可以导致更准确的贷款批准决策,潜在地降低违约率。人工审核贷款申请容易受到人为错误和偏见的影响。

``` In simplified Chinese characters: ``` 2. 提高准确性:AI模型可以分析大量结构化和非结构化数据,从而更全面、准确地评估借款人的风险档案和信用价值。这可以导致更准确的贷款批准决策,潜在地降低违约率。人工审核贷款申请容易受到人为错误和偏见的影响。 ``` This translation maintains the original content while adhering to the structure suitable for HTML formatting.


3. 操作效率:通过自动化贷款起始和决策流程,银行可以更有效地和节约成本地处理更多贷款申请。核保人员可以解放出来,专注于处理更复杂、非常规的案件。


Sure, here's how you can structure and translate the text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

4. 更好的客户体验:贷款申请处理更快,提升客户满意度和留存率。有价值的潜在借款人不必在不确定中等待决策结果。

``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` is used to denote a paragraph. - `4. 更好的客户体验:贷款申请处理更快,提升客户满意度和留存率。有价值的潜在借款人不必在不确定中等待决策结果。` is the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 5. 降低成本:通过人工智能自动化信贷流程,使放贷方能以更低的运营成本处理贷款申请,并有可能将节省成本以降低年利率和费用的形式传递给客户。 ``` In HTML, this would be represented as: ```html

5. 降低成本:通过人工智能自动化信贷流程,使放贷方能以更低的运营成本处理贷款申请,并有可能将节省成本以降低年利率和费用的形式传递给客户。

``` This HTML structure maintains the content and styling intact while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here is the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html


``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text: "如果人工智能基础的贷款决策模型设计、测试和管理不当,可能带来以下风险:"

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining HTML structure: ```html 1. AI/ML 模型可能导致“黑盒子”方法,这些方法可能会引发利益相关者提出从实际问题(“为什么我被拒绝了?”)到潜在恶意问题的各种问题。 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `1.` represents the numbered list item. - `AI/ML 模型可能导致“黑盒子”方法,这些方法可能会引发利益相关者提出从实际问题(“为什么我被拒绝了?”)到潜在恶意问题的各种问题。` is the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 2. 潜在的模型偏见和模型漂移需要监控,以确保信用良好的借款人不被拒绝,并且决策不对受保护类群体产生不平等影响。 ``` In this translation: - "潜在的模型偏见和模型漂移" corresponds to "Potential model biases and model drift". - "监控" means "to monitor". - "确保信用良好的借款人不被拒绝" translates to "to ensure that creditworthy borrowers are not turned down". - "决策不对受保护类群体产生不平等影响" means "decisions do not have a disparate impact on protected class groups".

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 3. 此外,在模型不够健壮时,AI/ML贷款还存在重要的逆向选择问题。在经济下行时,AI/ML贷款模型可能会预测借款人失业风险加大,尽管潜在借款人按时偿还所有信贷款项,但仍可能会减少贷款额度。 ``` This translation keeps the HTML structure intact, allowing it to be easily integrated into web content if needed.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html

4. AI/ML 模型是在历史数据上训练的,无法考虑快速变化的市场条件。过去并不保证未来。

``` Translated text: ```html

4. AI/ML 模型是在历史数据上训练的,无法考虑快速变化的市场条件。过去并不保证未来。


Certainly! Here's the text translated into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 5. 文档编制、知识共享以及IT流程和IT控制的建立需要进行反复迭代和实施。 ``` In this HTML snippet, the translated text is included within `

` tags to maintain the structure.

Certainly! Here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 6. 在模型开发中也需要积极考虑可解释人工智能的各个方面。需要持续监测模型输出的偏见和公平性。 ``` This HTML structure preserves the numbering and the text content in simplified Chinese.

Certainly! Here's the translation of the provided English text into simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 7. 创造用来帮助确定信用价值的AI模型对个人有着巨大的金融和社会影响,涉及确定贷款资格和利率,同时也有越来越多的呼声要求使用能够解释这些“黑盒子”模型如何做出影响人们生活方面决策的技术。 ``` In this translation: - "AI models" is translated as "AI模型". - "creditworthiness" is translated as "信用价值". - "immense financial and social impact" is translated as "巨大的金融和社会影响". - "determining loan eligibility and rates" is translated as "确定贷款资格和利率". - "explainability" is translated as "解释性". - "black-box models" is translated as "黑盒子模型".

Certainly! Here's the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 总结来说,在金融行业开发和使用AI/ML模型既带来了机遇,也面临挑战。重要的是,从业者需认真考虑这些模型可能带来的潜在风险和偏见,并建立健全的监控流程,确保其性能和使用的公平和负责任。这需要数据科学家、合规专家和业务利益相关者之间持续合作,以确保AI的道德和可问责使用。 ``` This HTML snippet maintains the structure while providing the translated text in simplified Chinese.

To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html

[1] AI在贷款和贷款管理中的影响与挑战 - Plat.AI
[2] 利用AI在贷款中的力量:人工智能为... - Lightico
[3] 革新贷款处理方式的AI如何改变... - BusinessNext
[4] 利用AI在贷款和贷款管理中 - Docsumo
[5] AI如何改变贷款实践 - ezbob
[6] AI如何塑造银行业 - Liquidity Group
[7] AI如何为小企业贷款提供更快速的资金和效率 - Forbes
[8] AI在贷款中的指南:影响、挑战、用例 [2024] - App0
[9] 银行和金融机构需要考虑的关键挑战 - Pennant Tech
[10] 银行和金融服务中的贷款起始挑战 [2024] - App0

``` This HTML structure preserves the citation format and includes the simplified Chinese translation of the titles and URLs provided. Each citation is presented as a list item (`
  • `) within a paragraph (`

    `) for clarity and structure.

    Certainly! Here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


    ``` In the translated text: - "罗布·泰瑞" (Rob Tyrie) is the translated name. - "生成式人工智能" (Generative AI) is used to refer to generative artificial intelligence. - The rest of the text conveys the meaning as provided in the English original.

    Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated simplified Chinese text: ```html

    Rob 是 的创始人,也是 Grey Swan Guild 的联合创始人,这是一个虚拟智囊团。

    ``` In simplified Chinese: ```html

    Rob 是 的创始人,也是 Grey Swan Guild 的联合创始人,这是一个虚拟智囊团。

    ``` This HTML snippet keeps the structure intact while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.

    Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 他喜爱书籍和有趣的好奇的人。他是一个建设者。🧰👷‍♂️ ``` This HTML structure preserves the text in simplified Chinese characters, including the emojis at the end.

  • 2024-07-31 05:00:26 AI中文站翻译自原文