Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html

我使用 Luma AI Dream Machine 创作了我的PV

``` In this HTML snippet, `

` and `

` tags denote the paragraph structure in HTML, surrounding the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Certainly! Here's how you can structure and translate the text into simplified Chinese within an HTML context: ```html


``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` tags are used to enclose the translated text, representing a paragraph in HTML. - The Chinese text provided is a direct translation of the English text provided. You can integrate this HTML snippet into your web page to display the translated text in simplified Chinese.

Sure, here's how you can structure your HTML to include the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

Also, because I was able to create such a great PV, I decided to enter “Project Odyssey,” an AI Film Competition hosted by Civitai, an image-generative AI platform.

``` Translated into simplified Chinese: ```html


``` In this example, the English text is kept within the `

` (paragraph) tags, and the translated Chinese text is also enclosed in `

` tags to maintain HTML structure.

Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html









Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

首先,我使用 GPT Store 的 DALL-E 生成了图片。本来没有计划制作视频,但我喜欢这些生成的图片,所以我做了一个 PV。

``` In simplified Chinese, the translated text is: "首先,我使用 GPT Store 的 DALL-E 生成了图片。本来没有计划制作视频,但我喜欢这些生成的图片,所以我做了一个 PV。"

Sure, here's the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

接下来,我使用了Luma AI Dream Machine生成了一个5秒钟的视频。经过几次失败的尝试,我最终完成了一个15秒钟的视频,然后通过减慢速度,对其进行编辑和延长,使其变成了30秒钟。

``` In simplified Chinese: ```html

接下来,我使用了Luma AI Dream Machine生成了一个5秒钟的视频。经过几次失败的尝试,我最终完成了一个15秒钟的视频,然后通过减慢速度,对其进行编辑和延长,使其变成了30秒钟。

``` This maintains the HTML structure while providing the translation in Chinese.

Sure, here's how you can structure the HTML while including the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html

Translate to Chinese


``` In this HTML structure: - `` specifies the language as simplified Chinese. - The translated text is enclosed within the `

` (paragraph) tags.

Sure, here's how you could structure your HTML and translate the title "Eyes on the future" into simplified Chinese: ```html

未来展望 ``` In the `` tag, "未来展望" is the simplified Chinese translation of "Eyes on the future".<p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>歌词:在你的怀抱中,世界变得如此狭小,但我的心却低语着想要看到一切。超越地平线,梦想展开。眼望未来,故事未讲。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the lyrics translated into simplified Chinese.<p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>歌词主题:保守的环境给予内心平静,但也限制了视野。在人工智能革命时代,歌词唱出了对未来的关注,并伸向那些隐藏在地平线彼岸的“未被讲述的故事”。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text while preserving the structure for web content.<p>Sure! Here's the text translated into simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>是的,这是真的。我是个天才。然而,我不擅长英语,也是视频制作的业余爱好者。我的技术能力跟猫差不多。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` tags are used to denote paragraphs, which is appropriate for containing the translated text. - Chinese characters are used within the content itself to accurately convey the meaning of the English text.</p> <p>```html 然后,我使用Suno AI根据歌词为PV生成了背景音乐。 ```</p> <p>Sure, here's the HTML structure with the text translated to simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>最后,我使用Windows 11标配的视频编辑器Microsoft Clipchamp完成了PV。</p> ``` In simplified Chinese characters, it reads: 最后,我使用Windows 11标配的视频编辑器Microsoft Clipchamp完成了PV。<p>```html </p> <p>女演员,城市,夜晚,雨,音乐家,歌曲,都是由人工智能生成的虚拟对象。有些人可能会觉得一切都是假的。然而,在这里,我的感觉和智慧是真实的。人工智能是一种扩展人类智慧的技术。因此,着眼未来。</p> ```

2024-07-16 05:08:10 AI中文站翻译自原文