To translate "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html 人工智能 ``` This HTML code will display "人工智能" in simplified Chinese characters on a web page.

To translate the text "Where do we stand on AI developments?" into Simplified Chinese while preserving the HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html 我们在人工智能的发展上处于什么位置? ``` Here's how it would look within the HTML context: ```html


``` If you have any more text or need further help, feel free to ask!




Certainly! Here is the HTML structure with the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


``` In this HTML snippet: - `

` is used to enclose the paragraph for proper structure. - The English text has been translated to simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure intact.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html


``` In Chinese: ``` 简而言之,阿玛拉定律——即我们往往高估技术在短期内的影响,低估其在长期内的影响——正在人工智能领域展现其作用。 ```
Newspaper clip of daily mail from 2000 stating Internet is just a passign fad
Daliy Mail newspaper clipping on Internet from 2000. Image Source: Reddit

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 近期的热情 ``` In this HTML snippet: - `` is used to encapsulate the translated text. - `近期的热情` is the translation of "The near-term enthusiasm" in simplified Chinese.

The path to first 100mn users with Open AI, TikTok, Instagram, Pintrest, Spotify and Twitter
User adoption across applications in months from launch. Source: Sequioa Capital



``` This HTML snippet retains the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.




Certainly! Here's how you can structure your HTML document while translating the text into simplified Chinese: ```html

Translation to Simplified Chinese

我们现在处于2024年中。虽然没人能否认AI确实已经到来 —— 短期的热情似乎正在减退。用户的留存和参与度较低,可能是因为人们没有找到足够的价值。

``` In this HTML structure: - `` declares the document type and version. - `` specifies the language of the document as Simplified Chinese. - `` contains meta information like character set and viewport settings. - `` sets the title of the document. - `` contains the translated text wrapped in a paragraph `

` tag. The translated text in Simplified Chinese is: ``` 我们现在处于2024年中。虽然没人能否认AI确实已经到来 —— 短期的热情似乎正在减退。用户的留存和参与度较低,可能是因为人们没有找到足够的价值。 ``` This will render the translated text in a structured HTML format while preserving the integrity of your content.

Comparison of month 1 mobile app retention of AI-first applications to existing companies. Source: Sequoia Capital
Daily active and Monthly Users Comparison. Source: Sequoia Capital

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

我们正在看到有关收入来源的报告 — 小霸王资本最近发布了,考虑到AI公司需要的投资量,以实现6000亿美元的回报。投资者在过去一年内为五大科技公司增加了超过2万亿美元的市值。根据粗略估计,预计每年将有额外3000亿至4000亿美元的收入,大致相当于另一家苹果公司的销售额,然而,这些回报目前尚未显现。

``` In this translation: - "Sequoia Capital" is translated as "小霸王资本" (Xiǎo Bàwáng Zīběn), a common translation for "Sequoia Capital" in Chinese. - Numbers are translated directly as per their numeric value. - "AI" is kept as "AI" since it is commonly understood in Chinese as well. - "Apple" is translated as "苹果公司" (Píngguǒ Gōngsī), meaning "Apple Inc." This translation preserves the meaning and structure of the original English text.

Sure! Here is the translated text with the HTML structure kept intact: ```html 一个主要原因是,尽管个人用户经常使用人工智能聊天机器人,但企业使用案例还不明确。人工智能的短期明确用途似乎在于客户服务。Klarna 是最受推崇的例子之一——它最近宣称人工智能正在替代700名客户代表的工作——然而,也有猜测认为这可能是为了在上市前吸引媒体关注的说法。[来源:经济学人]。围绕隐私、数据安全、幻觉甚至变革速度的担忧——即公司不想投资后发现技术更新而导致实施过时——正在拖慢采用速度。预计2032年人工智能将开始产生显著影响。 ```

Sure, here is the translation of "The Balanced Outlook" in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 平衡的展望 ```




Sure! Here’s the translation while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html



Sure! Here’s the translation while keeping the HTML structure: ```html



Sure, here is the translation of "Closing Thoughts" into simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 结束思考 ``` In this HTML snippet, `` tags are used to encapsulate the translated text "结束思考" ("Closing Thoughts" in simplified Chinese).

Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html

人工智能(AI)无疑将会长驻其中。未来可能会出现公司发展方向的分歧。一些公司专注于构建基础性的AI模型,类似于“Intel Inside”模式;另一些公司则专注于应用领域,能够展示出客户采用所需的产品界面和用户体验(UI / UX)。真正的竞争优势将从数据模型训练转向用户体验设计,正如苹果公司等公司所展示的。

``` In this HTML snippet, the text is translated into simplified Chinese, encapsulated within a paragraph (`

`) tag for proper HTML structure.

2024-07-16 04:34:32 AI中文站翻译自原文