Sure, here's how you could structure the HTML while translating the text into simplified Chinese: ```html BigQuery, Gemini & Google Search: Grounding Generative AI for Accurate Information

BigQuery, Gemini & Google Search: Grounding Generative AI for Accurate Information


``` In the HTML structure: - `` specifies the document language as simplified Chinese. - `` tag contains the translated title. - `<h1>` tag for the heading in English and Chinese. - `</h1> <p>` tag contains the translated text.<figure class="mg mh mi mj mk ml md me paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mm mn fg mo be mp"><div class="md me mf"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="700" height="496" loading="eager" role="presentation" src="/posts/0%24TGCN9crtVvhK7FpE.jpg"></picture></div></div> <figcaption class="mr fc ms md me mt mu bc b bd z dr">Source: <a class="af mv" href=",football-poland-draw-11-with-france-in-euro-2024-farewell" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">,football-poland-draw-11-with-france-in-euro-2024-farewell</a></figcaption></figure></p> <p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>欧洲2024年的激情席卷了德国各个体育场。有趣的是,波兰国家队采纳了一个众所周知的战略,这受到了他们国家足球传统的启发:第一场比赛被视为开局,中场决定一切,而最后一场则是为荣誉而战(通常这些对我们来说是最重要的)。顺便说一句,我是波兰人,几次目睹了这种战略的实施。这一理念巧妙地应用在他们的欧洲2024年的竞赛中,多亏了这一点,我们有更多时间准备下一届比赛 ;) 但开玩笑的,我通常不看完整场比赛,但我喜欢通过在线更新了解关键细节。谷歌搜索是我快速找到最新比分、队伍排名和比赛精彩瞬间的首选。作为一个大部分时间都在与生成AI工作的人,我不断意识到谷歌搜索在这种AI转型中的关键作用。</p> ``` This HTML snippet preserves the structure of the text while providing the translation in simplified Chinese.<p>Certainly! Here is the translated text in simplified Chinese, formatted to maintain HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>所以,本文并不是关于足球。而是展示了谷歌尖端技术的一个非常卓越的结合:BigQuery、Gemini和Google搜索。当您将BigQuery的数据处理能力与Gemini的先进多模式能力以及Google搜索的效率、相关性和准确性结合在一起时,这种融合可以改变我们与信息互动的方式 — 一次搜索或查询一次,但前提是我们能够信任生成的内容。</p> ``` This HTML snippet contains the translated text in simplified Chinese, ensuring the original HTML structure is maintained.<p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 在我之前在 Medium 上的一篇文章中,标题为《关于AI模型的10大误解(别成为他们中的一员!)》,清单中的第二个误解被命名为:AI百科全书:互联网上的一切都存储在语言模型中吗。 ``` This HTML snippet preserves the original structure of the text while providing the translation in simplified Chinese.</p> <p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese: 这些模型专门设计用于根据它们在训练过程中学到的模式生成类似人类的文本,因此它们可以回答问题、总结信息,甚至创作内容,但它们并不完美地回忆每一个它们遇到的信息片段。如果你把它们看作人工智能百科全书,实际上,即使是最复杂的人工智能模型也有它们的局限性。它们的知识并非一个坚实的块状物;它更像是一块瑞士奶酪。</p> <figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div class="md me ny"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="445" height="384" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/0%2458GCUxMbl22IPdEH"></picture></div></figure><p>Certainly! Here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure: ```html </p> <p>特别是当考虑到世界不断变化,新信息不断涌现时,这一点尤为明显。语言模型无法实时跟上这个速度。它们依赖定期更新和重新训练来保持相对的当前性,但模型训练的内容与最新信息之间总会存在差距。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet, the translated text is wrapped in a `<p>` (paragraph) tag, maintaining the original structure.</p> <p>Sure, here's the simplified Chinese translation of the text while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>人多力量大,或者如波兰人所说,“w grupie siła。” 让我们探索一下如何通过BigQuery、Gemini和Google搜索这三者强大的组合,在数字领域将这句谚语变为现实,帮助我们在生成式人工智能系统呈现的信息中建立信任。</p> ``` In this translation: - "人多力量大" translates "There’s strength in numbers." - "w grupie siła" is transliterated and kept in quotes as it is in the original English text. - Names like "BigQuery," "Gemini," and "Google Search" are kept the same as they are proper nouns. Make sure to use appropriate UTF-8 encoding for Chinese characters in your HTML document to display them correctly on web pages.<p>Sure, here is the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 询问BigQuery中的Gemini模型就像运行带有ML.GENERATE_TEXT函数的SELECT语句一样简单(更多详细信息,请查阅我的文章[BigQuery和Gemini:扩展生成AI技能的催化剂])。所以,让我们看看Gemini是否能准确回答:“波兰对法国在2024年欧洲杯比赛中的结果是什么?” ``` This translation maintains the original structure and content of the English text.</p> <pre><span id="96a5" class="oi oj gr of b bd ok ol l om on">SELECT *<br>FROM<br> ML.GENERATE_TEXT(<br> MODEL `genai-app-builder.speech2textdataset.vertexaigemini`,<br> (<br> SELECT CONCAT('What was the result of the Poland vs France match at Euro 2024?') AS prompt<br><br> ),<br> STRUCT(<br> 0 AS temperature, <br> 1024 AS max_output_tokens, <br> 0.2 AS top_p,<br> 15 AS top_k, <br> TRUE AS flatten_json_output)<br> );</span></pre> <p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html </p> <p>答复如下:双子座无法获取实时信息或未来事件的信息,包括体育比赛结果。因此,我无法为您提供2024年欧洲杯波兰对法国比赛的结果。欧洲杯2024赛事计划于2024年6月14日至7月14日举行:</p> ```<figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mm mn fg mo be mp"><div class="md me oo"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="700" height="402" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24RbIUo2u2VV--LD_0IXzKQA.png"></picture></div></div></figure><p>To translate "Google Search would know…" to simplified Chinese while keeping HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html Google Search 会知道… ``` In this translation: - "Google Search" remains in English since it's a proper noun widely recognized in its original form. - "会知道…" is the translation of "would know…" in simplified Chinese. This HTML structure preserves the original English text while incorporating the translated Chinese text seamlessly.</p> <figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mm mn fg mo be mp"><div class="md me op"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="700" height="535" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24wfwvW9yBOqWZiOHByTupFQ.png"></picture></div></div></figure><p>To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html </p> <p>那么,我们如何无缝整合Gemini、BigQuery和Google搜索呢?事实证明,BigQuery本身就支持这种整合。要利用Google的Grounding机制来对抗Google搜索并获取最新和准确的信息,您只需将ground_with_google_search参数设置为TRUE。</p> ``` In this HTML snippet: - `<p>` and `</p>` are used to denote paragraphs, maintaining the structure of the text. - The text inside `<p>` tags is the translation of the provided English text into simplified Chinese. Make sure to insert this snippet into your HTML document where you want the translated text to appear.</p> <figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div class="md me ot"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="636" height="340" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24kPo_Wb8I4IM-x6Xz2Wr3Tw.png"></picture></div></figure><p>Sure, here is the simplified Chinese translation while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html 我们准备好重复我们的测试: ``` This HTML snippet retains the structure while presenting the translated text in simplified Chinese.</p> <figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mm mn fg mo be mp"><div class="md me ou"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="700" height="358" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24RtNMcqt_q_1u2yKird88AA.png"></picture></div></div></figure><p>在保持HTML结构的情况下,将英文文本翻译为简体中文如下: ```html <span>Well done BigQuery + Gemini + Google Search!</span> ``` 翻译后的文本为: ```html <span>干得好 BigQuery + Gemini + Google 搜索!</span> ```</p> <p>```html </p> <p>但是您可能会想知道,我们如何确保这个答案的准确性呢?这个解决方案的美妙之处在于,结果包括一个名为ml_generate_text_grounding_result的列,该列提供了支持生成响应的引用及其置信度分数。这为我们提供了额外的保证,证明了答案的有效性。</p> ``` <figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mm mn fg mo be mp"><div class="md me ov"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="700" height="179" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24ymCL1WdcPsUr4skyoOGXjQ.png"></picture></div></div></figure><figure class="nz oa ob oc od ml md me paragraph-image"><div role="button" tabindex="0" class="mm mn fg mo be mp"><div class="md me ow"><picture><img alt="" class="be lk mq c" width="700" height="361" loading="lazy" role="presentation" src="/posts/1%24ZHimWuDr9BrAWUOagrJlPg.png"></picture></div></div></figure><p>Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese, while maintaining HTML structure: ```html <span>总结:</span> ```</p> <p>Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html </p> <p>虽然生成式人工智能在合成信息方面具有巨大潜力,但人们对AI生成内容的准确性和可靠性的担忧也日益加剧。谷歌的努力集中在通过将AI生成的回应与事实信息紧密联系起来来缓解这些担忧。通过将生成式人工智能合成信息的能力与Gemini与Google搜索和BigQuery独特结合提供的传统搜索结果的可信度相结合,我们可以将两个世界的优势今天就带给用户。</p> ``` This HTML structure maintains the integrity of the translated text while ensuring it displays correctly on a webpage.<p>To translate the provided English text into simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure, you can use the following: ```html 这篇文章由Google Cloud的客户工程师Lukasz Olejniczak撰写。所表达的观点属于作者个人,不一定代表Google的观点。 ``` In HTML format, it would look like this: ```html </p> <p>这篇文章由Google Cloud的客户工程师Lukasz Olejniczak撰写。所表达的观点属于作者个人,不一定代表Google的观点。</p> ``` This HTML structure ensures that the text is properly formatted for display on a webpage, with the translation inserted into a paragraph (`<p>`) element.</p> <p>请在阅读完本文后为它鼓掌。想了解更多关于Google Cloud、数据科学、数据工程以及AI/ML的内容,请关注我的LinkedIn。</p>

2024-06-30 04:20:15 AI中文站翻译自原文