from Pexels (Karolina)

Sure, here's the translation: ```html 减少您的OpenAI API费用高达70% ```

在HTML结构中保持,将以下英文文本翻译为简体中文: 提示工程是你所需要的一切

以下是使用HTML结构的文本: ```html



To translate the given English text into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure intact, you can use the following: ```html


``` This HTML code wraps the translated Chinese text in a `

` (paragraph) tag, maintaining the structure of the original content.

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html

在我们开始之前,让我们看看每次 API 调用时 OpenAI 如何计算令牌。

# Import the OpenAI class from the openai module
from openai import OpenAI

# Create an instance of the OpenAI class with the provided API key
client = OpenAI(api_key=open_ai_key)

# Set the user input to the string "Hi"
user_input = "Hi"

# Create a chat completion using the OpenAI client and the user input
response =
model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", # Set the model to "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": user_input}]

# Print the response from the chat completion

######## OUTPUT ########
Hello! How can I help you today?
######## OUTPUT ########

Sure, here's the HTML structure with the text translated into simplified Chinese: ```html


# Print the usage of the response

######## OUTPUT ########
CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=9, prompt_tokens=8, total_tokens=17)
######## OUTPUT ########


Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html

根据我们所学的知识,让我们编写一个函数,该函数以用户提示作为输入,并返回四个值:API 响应、输入令牌的成本、输出令牌的成本和总成本。

def openai_chat(user_prompt):

# Create a chat completion using the OpenAI client
response =
# Set the model to "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}]

# Response from the chat completion
answer = response.choices[0].message.content

# Calculate the price for input tokens
input_price = response.usage.prompt_tokens * (0.5 / 1e6)

# Calculate the price for input tokens
output_price = response.usage.completion_tokens * (1.5 / 1e6)

# calculate the total price
total_price = input_price + output_price

# Return the answer, input price, output price, total price
return {
"answer": answer,
"input_price": f"$ {input_price}",
"output_price": f"$ {output_price}",
"total_price": f"$ {total_price}"

Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 让我们通过尝试一个简单且简短的提示来看看这个函数是如何工作的。 ```

# Calling our function with the prompt
openai_chat("What is the capital of China?")

####### OUTPUT #######
answer: 'The capital of China is Beijing.',
input_price: '$ 7e-06',
output_price: '$ 1.05e-05',
total_price: '$ 1.75e-05'
####### OUTPUT #######


# asking a question regarding 100k words document

####### OUTPUT #######
answer: 'According to the give context .... ',
input_price: '$ 0.18',
output_price: '$ 0.02',
total_price: '$ 0.20'
####### OUTPUT #######


对于大量文本(100,000字)和一个问题,预计的成本仅约为$0.20。这显示了gpt-3.5-turbo模型可以有多有效。现在我们的函数已经准备就绪,让我们看看如何最小化使用OpenAI API的成本。


Sure, here's the translation of "Clustering using OpenAI API" in simplified Chinese while maintaining HTML structure: ```html 使用 OpenAI API 进行聚类

使用 OpenAI API 进行聚类


Sure, here's the translated text within an HTML structure: ```html


# news heading list
news_headlines = [
"donald trump is ... surprise when he arrives",
"Emirates airlines ... takeover of Etihad Airways",
"The US is considering ... troops to Afghanistan",

# length of news list

####### OUTPUT #######
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure: ```html


formatted_news = "Given the news headlines:\n"

# looping through all news headlines and formatting them in single string
for i in range(0,len(user_input)):
formatted_string += f"s{i}: {user_input[i]}\n"

# printing the formatted news

####### OUTPUT #######
s0: donald trump is ... surprise when he arrives
s1: Emirates airlines ... takeover of Etihad Airways
s2: The US is considering ... troops to Afghanistan
s1256: Virat Kholi is ready ... against Srilanka
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html


prompt_template = f'''{formatted_news}
i have these news headlines i want you to perform clustering on it.
you have to answer me in this format:
cluster1: s1,s3 ...
cluster2: s2, s6 ...
do not write sentences but write it just like this starting from s0,s1,s2 ...
dont say anything else other than the format


Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: 我们所需要做的就是将这个提示模板传递给我们之前创建的函数,然后看看它在定价和响应质量方面的表现如何。

# Calling our function with prompt_template
results = openai_chat(prompt_template)

# printing response only

####### OUTPUT #######
cluster1: s5, s67, s55, s134, s764 ...
cluster2: s64, s21, s896, s445, s12 ...
cluster7: s12, s853, s414, s244, s712 ...
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html 我在这里截断了响应,但语言模型成功地将我们的1256条新闻标题分类为七个簇。您可以进一步编辑提示模板以指定所需的簇数。让我们看看这项任务花费了我们多少。 ```

# printing complete results

####### OUTPUT #######
answer: 'cluster1: s5, s67, ...',
input_price: '$ 0.020',
output_price: '$ 0.003',
total_price: '$ 0.023'
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html 总成本为$0.023。如果我们没有使用这个提示模板,我们可能会花费的成本是输入成本的两倍以上。这是因为我们将所有的头条作为输入发送,而返回的完整头条的输出成本为每百万个标记$1.50。以下是我们使用这种方法节省了多少成本的摘要: ```


# Split the 'answer' string by newline character
responses = result['answer'].split("\n")

# Create a dictionary comprehension to extract key-value pairs from each line
clusters = {line.split(": ")[0].strip(): [i.strip() for i in line.split(": ")[1].split(",")] for line in responses if line.strip()}

# Replace the keys (s01, s02, s03, etc.) with the actual headlines from 'news_headlines'
for k, v in clusters.items():
clusters[k] = [news_headlines[int(i[1:])] for i in v]


# print clusters

####### OUTPUT #######
'cluster1': ["Sea levels ... change", "Arabian sea .. pollution", ...],
'cluster2': ["fifa has banned ... ", "Ronaldo has been ... a row", ...}
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the text translated into simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html 使用 OpenAI API 进行拼写检查

使用 OpenAI API 进行拼写检查

``` This HTML structure includes the translated text "使用 OpenAI API 进行拼写检查" (SpellCheck using OpenAI API) in simplified Chinese.




# my input which contains spelling errors
user_input = '''As the sun beganned to set on the horizen, casting a
warm gloy across the ... '''

# printing total words

####### OUTPUT #######
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while maintaining the HTML structure: ```html


prompt_template = f'''Given the input text:
user input: {user_input}

output must be in this format:

output must not contain any other information than the format


Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese within the HTML structure: ```html


# Calling our function with prompt_template
results = openai_chat(prompt_template)

# printing response only

####### OUTPUT #######
beganned: began
horizen: horizon
gras: grass
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese within the HTML structure: ```html


# printing complete results

####### OUTPUT #######
answer: 'beganned: began \n horizen: horizon ...',
input_price: '$ 0.33333',
output_price: '$ 0.005135',
total_price: '$ 0.33812'
####### OUTPUT #######


Sure, here's the translation: ```html 即使是500字的相对较小文本,成本节省也是显而易见的。想象一下在处理大数据时的财务收益! ```


# Split the 'response1' string by newline character
response = result['answer'].split("\n")

# Create a list comprehension to extract key-value pairs from each line
result = [(line.split(":")[0], line.split(":")[1]) for line in response if line.strip()]

# Replace the misspelled words with the corrected words
for word, corrected_word in result:
corrected_user_input = user_input.replace(word, corrected_word)


# print clusters

####### OUTPUT #######
As the sun began to set on the horizon, casting
warm glow across the ...
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the text in simplified Chinese, keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html Text Cleaning using OpenAI API ``` In Chinese characters, it would be: ```html 使用OpenAI API进行文本清洗 ```

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese within an HTML structure: ```html



Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 我们希望 API 响应突出显示不正确的单词,并建议其正确的拼写,而不是提供整个更正后的文本作为输出。让我们看看我们的输入文本: ```

# my input which contains spelling errors
user_input = '''The rugge9d pathw&ay winded through the th!ck f0r3st,
obfusca+ting the way forward. The creaking of branches
and rustling of leaves added an ... '''

# printing total words

####### OUTPUT #######
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here is the translation of the text into simplified Chinese, while keeping the HTML structure intact: ```html 我们有一个需要清理的100万字文档。我们接下来的步骤是创建一个提示模板,指导API提供仅关注问题词汇的响应。 ``` In this translation: - "我们有一个需要清理的100万字文档。" translates to "We have a 1M-word document which requires cleaning." - "我们接下来的步骤是创建一个提示模板,指导API提供仅关注问题词汇的响应。" translates to "Our next step is to create a prompt template that guides the API to provide responses focused solely on the problematic words."

prompt_template = f'''Given the input text:
user input: {user_input}
output must be in this format:
if no replacement for uncleaned_word exist then use this format
output must not contain any other information than the format

在提示模板中,我们已明确定义了所需的响应格式。API 应突出显示未清理的单词,并提供它们的正确替换。如果未清理的单词没有替换,那么应该用空字符串替换。我们还指定响应中不应包含额外信息,因为我们将使用代码来替换原始用户输入中的这些单词。


# Calling our function with prompt_template
results = openai_chat(prompt_template)

# printing response only

####### OUTPUT #######
rugge9d: rugged
th!ck: thick
f0r3st: forest
obfusca+ting: obfuscating
s;ense: sense
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese, maintaining the HTML structure: ```html


# printing complete results

####### OUTPUT #######
answer: 'rugge9d: rugged \n th!ck: thick ...',
input_price: '$ 0.6665',
output_price: '$ 0.099',
total_price: '$ 0.7665'
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese: 这项任务的总成本为0.7665美元,如果100万字包含20,000至30,000个清理错误。如果我们没有使用这个提示模板,我们可能会花费超过输入成本的两倍。以下是我们使用这种方法节省的金额总结:


Sure, here's the translated text in simplified Chinese: ```html 但是我们必须稍微编写一点代码来将简短的缩写映射到实际的标题。 ```

# Split the 'response1' string by newline character
response = result['answer'].split("\n")

# Create a list comprehension to extract key-value pairs from each line
result = [(line.split(": ")[0], line.split(": ")[1]) for line in response if line.strip()]
# Replace the misspelled words with the corrected words
for word, corrected_word in result:
cleaned_user_input = user_input.replace(word, corrected_word)


# print clusters

####### OUTPUT #######
The rugged pathway winded through the th!ck forest,
obfuscating the way forward. The creaking of branches
and rustling of leaves added an ...
####### OUTPUT #######

Sure, here's the translation of "LLM Based NLP" into simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html 基于LLM的自然语言处理 ```

Sure, here's the translation in simplified Chinese while keeping the HTML structure: ```html

我开发了一个使用LLM APIs执行各种任务的NLP库。 它包括超过30个功能,其中许多使用与上述相似的成本优化策略。 您可以在我的GitHub存储库中探索该库及其提示模板:


2024-06-11 04:08:06 AI中文站翻译自原文