
你是否想要创造出能够捕捉被摄者本质的惊人肖像呢?Midjourney在线平台,能够帮助你产生个性化的肖像提示,这正是你所要的。我们的最新提示,让你能够创建出短发 [族裔0] [家庭0] [活动0],微笑着的,[职业0] [人名0]肖像,这种肖像具有自然的摆姿风格,低视角和体积光效果。我们的胶片和超细节处理能够赋予你的照片一种神奇的layui质感,以及在Kodachrome和Fuji XT4上拍摄的丰富色彩和细节。所以,如果你想要创造出令人心动的肖像,请今天就试试Midjourney吧。


[age0] short haired [ethnicity0] [family0] [activity0], smiling, [profession0] [person name0], naturalistic posing style, low angles, [feeling0], body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

young short haired Caucasian mother playing sports, smiling, doctor Emily, naturalistic posing style, low angles, happy, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

middle-aged short haired Asian father cooking, smiling, teacher David, naturalistic posing style, low angles, excited, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

mature short haired African-American children gardening, smiling, artist Jasmine, naturalistic posing style, low angles, relaxed, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

senior short haired Latino sibling reading, smiling, entrepreneur Mohammed, naturalistic posing style, low angles, contemplative, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

teenage short haired Native American grandparent traveling, smiling, lawyer Maria, naturalistic posing style, low angles, confident, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

child short haired Mixed-race cousin painting, smiling, scientist Chen, naturalistic posing style, low angles, playful, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

baby short haired Pacific Islander in-law dancing, smiling, writer Lucas, naturalistic posing style, low angles, content, body extensions, analog film, super detail, fantastic lofi photography, rich color, volumetric lighting, shot with kodachrome, rich detail with fuji xt4, 8k --v 5.1 --style raw --s 250 --ar 9:16

2023-10-20 16:58:48 AI中文站翻译自原文